Our Story
“Remember....Mead makes you Invincible in War and Irresistible in Love!”
The founders, Gabrielle and Leon Havill had been producing authentic mead since 1964. Over a fourteen year period, the original recipe was altered over 850 times before they were satisfied they could produce a commercially acceptable, and unadulterated product. Havill's mead is brewed to Mother Nature's secret recipe and is at one with nature. It is both organic and natural, using only honey, water, and our own special strain of mead yeast, developed during 50 years of mead production. Havill’s mead does not contain any chemicals, preservatives or sulphites. We believe Havill’s Meadery to be one of the longest established commercial Meaderies in the world and possibly the only Meadery who's economic survival depends upon producing and selling "Mead" in the purist sense of the word. To avoid accusations of fraud we do not produce fruit, grape wine, or fermented malt products, which could be used to adulterate our product. We produce pure mead and only a few mead variants, these variants are clearly labeled. Leon has been told in the USA those who understand the word "mead" in its purest sense consider Havill’s Mead to be a bench mark product. The one by which all others are judged.
Now Havill’s Honey Mead is crafted by Beekeeper
Motoshi and Yoko Suzuki had been big fans of Havill’s Honey Mead since we first tasted it in 2006. One day we heard Leon and Gay were going to sell the Meadery, although we were not really ready for the new challenge, we were very interested in it. When we were trying to make up our mind, Motoshi found four leaves clovers, not just one... four at last! Then we thought, “ok, it must be our mission to take over this very special Mead making business”, and we did, it sounded pretty simple to make Havill's Mead with Havill's secret recipe, but it wasn't so easy at the beginning! With our own honey and our own water, we needed to make some adjustments and this period of transition took just over a year. Fast forward to this present moment where between Gay and Leon, Motoshi and Yoko, we are all happy with the new developments to the traditional Havill's Mazer Mead.
Motoshi has been a beekeeper more than 10 years. He loves bees, and believes happy bees make good honey. He takes good care of all the operations. As a result, he harvests a very good quality honey and it is RAW HONEY; collected straight from the extractor, it is totally unheated, unpasteurized, unprocessed honey, the precious enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants and antibacterial in the pollen still remain. “Good mead can be made only from good honey.”
At the beautiful age of 50, Havill’s Authentic Mead is crafted with more Passion and more Quality Honey than ever...
It’s worth a try - Don’t you think?